Does Nerve Damage Cause Tinnitus?


Chances are if you have tinnitus it’s because you have nerve damage. It’s really easy to tell for sure… so read on.

Basically, your vestibular-cochlear nerve bundle carries signals from the inner auditory canal of your ear to your brain. Your vestibular nerve, responsible for maintaining body balance and for eye movements, may give warning signs of damage years before tinnitus strikes.

For instance, if you feel unsteady while turning around with your eyes closed it’s likely your vestibular nerve isn’t working properly to help you keep your balance.

Your cochlear nerve, responsible for hearing, may give the warning sign of becoming more sensitive. Sounds you previously barely noticed may become painfully irritating, like fingernails scraping on chalkboard. But, you’re still safe. No tinnitus.

Tinnitus, a ringing or even high pitched, shrill whine, is brought to you by your vestibulo-cochlear nerve, but not before it’s been tipping you off for awhile of its declining health. Simply put, your hearing/auditory nerve wants to be happy and relies on the squeaky wheel theory to get your attention. Problem is, being squeaky is a bit cryptic. We’re left to our own devices to find a solution.

Skipping ahead, If you already have tinnitus you may be wondering how you damaged your auditory nerve and more importantly, how do you repair the damage.

The most likely cause of damage is stress. Stress plays havoc with our nerves, as you’ve most likely noticed. If we have good B12 levels then our nerves are protected by their myelin sheath. The trouble is stress pulls our attention from enjoyable, anti-stress things. Pretty soon our B12 stores are depleted and our nerves have tattered sheaths.


The answer to repairing the damage is a bit cheesy:  Swiss cheese. You see, Swiss cheese has live B12 making bacteria that are in fact responsible for the holes in Swiss and other cheeses with holes. Most cheese has some B12 but Swiss cheese has a higher amount because of the B12 making bacteria being in abundance to make the characteristic holes.

  Jarrow Methyl B12 5000 mcg


Methylcobalamin lozenges are also a good way to restore B12 levels. In fact, they work quite quickly.

The living bacteria, however, are great and give you an ongoing healthy supply of B12, in tiny tiny, but constant amounts. The beauty of putting B12 making bacteria back into your digestive system is that they happily make B12 out of your meals that ordinarily contain no B12, like pasta and tomato sauce, for instance. As you likely know, the recommended sources for B12 are meat, fish, dairy and eggs. There isn’t any B12 in vegetables, well at least not ordinarily.

It turns out, however, that Japanese tea fertilized with fish remains has B12 in it, because the tea plants take up B12 from the fish fertilizer.

I ordered the Bata Bata Cha Japanese tea and used it to make kombucha, which I figured would allow the good bacteria to increase, making my kombucha somewhat rich in B12.

If you’re dealing with tinnitus, you aren’t wanting to dilly dally around, however, is my bet. So, get the Methylcobalamin lozenges. They work effectively, though not so quickly that the nerve damage causing your tinnitus will be repaired in a day. Keep in mind, B12 is necessary for all your nerves to be healthy, not just your auditory nerves.

My tinnitus used to be so bad that I kept the telly on LOUD to distract me from the shrill ringing. Once I cottoned on to B12 as the answer I reduced my tinnitus till now I have no ear ringing sounds at all.


I promised to tell you how you could tell, for sure, if your tinnitus is from damaged nerves. It’s so simple you may have already guessed: All you have to do it use Methylcobalamin lozenges for a few weeks. If your tinnitus diminishes and goes away, then for sure it was from damaged nerves.

As an aside, early on before there were vitamin B12 tests doctors prescribed B12 shots, then if the health problem the patient was complaining about went away the doctor diagnosed B12 deficiency.

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