Serrapeptase, an enzyme made by silkworms to dissolve their cocoon when they’re ready to emerge, has been used in Europe and Japan for decades for pain and swelling. In 2006 my friend Maggie, a certified herbalist, sent me an email about Serrapeptase.
I’d never heard of Serrapeptase, which sounds like Sarah-pep-tase, so luckily she sent links to learn about it.
I tried it, liked the results, and have used it ever since instead of Ibuprofen for lowering pain.
Maggie wrote,
“Reading on your website…about your friends with Parkinson’s. This info is very good. This enzyme (serrapeptase) dissolves amyloid plaque in the brain which is contributing factor for Parkinson’s and Alzheimers. Also great relief for any inflammations. Also for cholesterol and heart problems as well as scar tissue internally—adhesions or even keloids.
“Hans Nieper, a German doctor and scientist, discovered this natural enzyme over 20 years ago. It has been used in both Japan and Europe for several years as a natural alternative for pain relief but was not introduced into the U.S. until 2002.
“Much of Nieper’s research with serrapeptase was with clogged arteries. He discovered that only a small amount, if taken every day for 18 months, would complete the healing of clogged arteries and they would be almost entirely clear.
“Further research has been done, primarily in Japan, and they have discovered that serrapeptase safely dissolves away any dead tissue anywhere in the body and this naturally causes less pain and in many cases NO MORE PAIN. (In fact it is rumored that this is what the Doctors take when they have pain). Once the tissue is dissolved it is disposed of through the body’s normal channels.
I started taking serrapeptase about 10 days ago and I can say that this product is the fastest natural pain reliever that I have ever tried. People that have been suffering with many different illnesses have been getting relief with serrapeptase and you can count me along with them!”</div/
Conditions Serrapeptase Helps
- Pain of any kind
- Arthritis
- Back Problems
- Lower Back Problems
- Neck
- Diabetes
- Leg
- Ulcers
- Osteoporosis
- Polymyalgia
- Rheumatica
- Prostate Problems
- Repetitive Strain (RSI)
- Carpal Tunnel etc
- Rheumatoid Arthritis
Serrapeptase Helps with Inflammation
- Breast Engorgement
- Cystitis
- joints or muscles
- Fibromyalgia
- Fibrocystic Breast Disease
- Headaches/Migraines caused by inflammation
- Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBS)
- Ulcerative Colitis
- Crohn’s
- Lupus
- Lung and Chest Problems
- Asbestosis
- Miners and Farmers Lung
- Bronchial Asthma
- Bronchitis
- Coughs
- Cystic Fibrosis
- Emphysema
- Pulmonary Tuberculosis
- Eye Problems
- General Inflammation
- Blocked veins
- Damaged Nerves
- Multiple Sclerosis
- Ear, Nose and Throat problems
- Chronic ear infections
- Catarrhal Rhinopharyngitis
- Hayfever
- Swollen Glands
- Sore Throat
- Laryngitis
- Runny nose
- Rhinitis
- Sinusitis problems
- Trauma Related Issues
- Sports Injuries, prevention
- Recovery Post Operative
- Traumatic Swelling
- Post Operative Scars
- Lesions
- Vascular Problems
- Varicose Veins
- Thrombophlebitis
- Arterial Disease
- Angina
- Blood Clots
Okay, so that’s what Maggie wrote, including the lists. I felt the lists were a bit “snake-oil” in that they seemed to cover everything. But, the thing was, so many things are interrelated that I was willing to go with the whole of it.
For instance, I’ve had so much trouble with my vision when I’ve been low on B12. When I was reading the list it made me wonder if somehow when I’m low on B12 there’s a swelling that pressures my optic nerve. (Just a thought.)

Silkworms eat mulberry leaves and live out their life cycles in mulberry trees. It’s quite beautiful.
Silkworm building cocoon:
Serrapeptase Research
After reading the serrapeptase research, I decided to try serrapeptase for a dull but sickening pain in my back that made it impossible to be up more than a couple of minutes. I used to have intense, sharp pain that made me gasp and kept me from sleeping. It made me think when I was battling abuse by the IRS that I could immolate myself at their office because the pain would be minimally different and the demonstration might help. That pain went away with B12 therapy.
Serrapeptase Research ~ Read Research.
I’m following my friend’s instructions
Maggie wrote,
“I take the capsules on a completely empty stomach (2 1/2 – 3 hours after a meal) with a small amount of water, then I wait 30-40 minutes before eating or drinking. This was a little inconvenient at first but it has had a big payoff! I learned from the research that if you do not take it on an empty stomach the enzyme will digest your food or beverage instead of getting directly into your blood stream to digest old, dead tissue. I started with 3 tablets daily – One taken three times a day.”
I’ve been waiting an hour to eat or drink after I take it. That’s because I didn’t remember the instructions correctly. But I’m going to continue waiting an hour because I think it’s working.
What caused me to try serrapeptase was the difficulty I have breathing after even the most minimal exercise, the debilitating pain in my back, a swelling around my jaw since I got tetanus two years ago, and the protruding varicose veins on my left ankle.
Serrapeptase Results
How long does it take for Serrapeptase to work? After two weeks of taking Serrapeptase, religiously, waiting three hours after food, there is a reduction in the pain in my back (it was bad, so I’m not surprised that it’s diminished only a bit, rather than going entirely away — but, I haven’t been needing as much Ibuprofen.)
Does Serrapeptase work? YES! The tightness in my chest that made it hard to breathe does not bother me as much. I used to have to sit down after just the smallest amount of walking, because of the pain, and then I would notice how hard it was to breathe. Well, I haven’t been noticing that difficulty for several days.
Early on, maybe the second or third day of taking Serrapeptase, my left leg and ankle felt as if something was going on ~ I was worried because it was a strong feeling and not necessarily good. I took some photos of the varicose veins on my ankle, wishing that I’d taken some photos before I took the first Serrapeptase. I wanted to be able to see if there would be a difference.
It seemed as if the veins were protruding less after the strong feeling, and before I took the first photos, but I couldn’t say for sure because I wanted that to happen and I was afraid I might be imagining a bigger difference than there actually was.
It seemed as if the veins were shrinking, getting brighter in color but smaller in dimension, how much they stuck out. I looked and looked at them, but could not be sure from looking at my ankle and then at the photos. So I took more photos because I thought it would be easier to compare/contrast two sets of pictures rather than a real ankle to a picture of the ankle.
I’m curious if you see as much difference as I do. I see more difference than I expected in so short a time. Here are the pictures ~ don’t expect them to be pretty.)
Since I’ve been taking Serrapeptase during the night (when it’s easier to not have anything to eat three hours before taking it) I’ve noticed that some bumps/cysts I had are getting smaller. I didn’t think to take a picture in the beginning, because it never occurred to me that the Serrapeptase would affect them. Here are pictures of one of the bumps/cysts. Bumps affected by Serrapeptase
On my page about slimming, starting at 7/17/06, I’ve recorded my experience with Serrapeptase.
12/27/07 ~ I didn’t take any Serrapeptase last night because it was so cold here I just wanted to get in bed, get warm and go to sleep. And boy do I feel the difference today! I usually take two during the night and have minimal back pain, if any, during the day. Today I had a lot of back pain, to the point where it was hard to stay up long enough to do things. I’m FOR SURE going to take two serrapeptase, four hours apart, during the night tonight.
12/28/07 ~ I began to wonder yesterday if maybe the pain was related to how cold it was. In any case, I took two Serrapeptase during the night, several hours apart, and today… NO pain. It was much colder today so it wasn’t the cold yesterday that made my back hurt, it was that I’d failed to take the Serrapeptase.
11/24/08 ~ I could barely make it walking around my garden for exercise a moment ago. I worried for a moment that the Serrapeptase had stopped working. Then I remembered that I’m using a Heavy Metal Cleanse right now because I hung some Survival Blankets in my house to reflect heat, and I think the aluminum in them must come off in tiny particles because my chest became tight and began to hurt in the way it did when I was living in hydrogen sulfide.
I took the Survival Blankets down and began a Heavy Metal Cleanse: I was lucky I had about half a treatment left from some time ago. I didn’t think I should take the Serrapeptase with the Cleanse because you’re supposed to take Serrapeptase by itself… so that’s the problem: I haven’t been taking my Serrapeptase.
10/23/2016 ~ Several people have come to this page searching, “can i drink coffee with serrapeptase”. The answer is Yes. Though I think the rule about waiting at least an hour before and after holds true, especially if you use cream and sugar.
I have been using this same kind of Serrapeptase from the beginning, though I’ve purchased it from different vendors, depending on cost and availability. There’s a stronger capsule available, but the lower dose has worked fine.
Other Serrapeptase Pages:
Vein photos after using Serrapeptase
Bumps affected by Serrapeptase
I have been taking Serrapeptase for about 5 months, as a means to clean out my circulatory system of plaque & debris, to end the angina I was having, and to eat the scar tissue off my heart from a previous heart attack, as well as the by-pass arteries where they were installed.
It eats anything foreign, so a second concern for me was does it eat the insulation off the wires on my pacemaker to my heart. Apparently not if that is a worry for anyone else with a pacemaker or installed product.
I take my Serrapeptase first thing in the morning, and also wait about 1 hour before moving onto other supplements. AS FOR YOU friend, what you are/were experiencing was angina and a possible heart attack. You most likely have/had a clogged vein in the heart, so keep taking the Serrapeptase. You might also want to look to other homeopathic cures as well, which I used first, months before I began the Serrapeptase to clear the blockage and end the angina in 1 1/2 weeks. What I do to clean the circulatory system, is use a supplement to thin the blood, use another one to expand the artery, and another one to do the cleaning. Expanding the artery gives more surface area, spreading out the plaque so it is easier to clean, thinner blood to allow good blood flow to remove it from your body, and good known cleaning agent supplements. And it really pays to monitor your health with blood pressure wrist cuff, an oxy-pulse meter, to find the right doses for you to take. And Rule #1, stop ingesting the junk that caused it, go 90% veggie and 10% meat, followed by 15 minutes or exercise, after every meal. I dropped 100 pounds in 100 days by just changing my eating habits, doing the exercises, and using some homeopathic weight loss methods. Wish you well!! BUT there is a PLUS, my angina stopped in 1 1/2 weeks, my diabetes (40 IU day shots) was gone in 1 1/2 months, my blood pressure normalized in 2 1/2 months, and my once 1/2 block walk struggle gasping for air with COPD was gone in four months, I am now brisk walking 2 miles a day, and I can run up and down my stairs, no longer need a fan blowing in my face. By the way, I am 68 years old, so if I can do it, anyone can, and it is so easy to do. My cardologist said on my last visit, I don’t know what you are doing, but keep doing it, because my meds are being reduced or eliminated, I have CHF, and the only thing I haven’t overcome completely is a small amount of congestion to the lungs.
Hi Mike,
That’s really impressive. Well done, You!
No, I don’t have angina. Nor do I think I had a heart attack.
I switched to Organic and cut out all GMOs, with a resulting loss of 20 pounds in about two months. I don’t eat much meat: I use Better than Bouillon Organic Chicken Base, and that’s pretty much it for my meat consumption.
Thank you for giving us a view into your experience.
Dear sir i take doctors best serrapeptase for osteoarthritis scar tissue and cataracts. My hands used to be swollen . Looked like i was wearing gloves. It would take me a half hour to get them loose enough in morn to use my crutches. And i used to get pain and hands would get stiff all day long. Not any more its all gone. No pain stiffness or swelling all gone thanks to serrapeptase
I am using serrapeptase for atherscelorosis in my aorta. I also have sarcoidosis, for which I have been using high dose Olmetec. My allopathic doctor called me to say that serrapeptase has no scientific studies to prove its safety and efficacy, and that it has even been taken off the market in Europe. She cited two cases of it causing lung inflammation and warned me to come off it, but I don’t want to. My lungs feel the clearest they have ever been. My doctor just wants me on aspirin and a statin drug asap. Help!