Murders get a lot of coverage on the news and in murder mysteries, both on television and in novels. Suicides, on the other hand, are seldom mentioned, giving the impression they are rare. However, in actual fact there are more than twice as many suicides as murders.
From having tried to kill myself, which is how my low vitamin B12 level was discovered, I am keenly aware that after my nerves healed from having B12 shots, my suicidal thoughts went away. I now use Methylcobalamin lozenges instead of shots. The lozenges work better, are cheaper, and don’t hurt.
The trickiest part of using B12 lozenges is to remember to use more when there is increased stress. Stress appears to deplete vitamin B12.

11/18/2016 ~ Lisa Masters, the 52 year old actress, committed suicide in her hotel room leaving a suicide note and antidepressants. People on Twitter talked about inadequate #mentalhealth care.
I am reminded that when I was depressed my doctor refused to increase my prescription for injectable vitamin B12 and told me I should be on Prozac for life.
Luckily I saw a neurologist who said I should use more B12 when I was under stress. Within a few months of having a B12 shot ever week I was almost depression free.
Later I switched to a holistic M.D. who diagnosed Fibromyalgia and wrote a prescription for injectable B12 sufficient for a shot a day. That amount of B12 made the Fibro go away, my peripheral neuropathy go away, my Depression go away, and when subjected to the same stress that had made me suicidal I no longer felt like killing myself.
Prozac Side Effects

Anxiety, nervousness and tremors are a few side effects known to result from taking the antidepressant Prozac: Fluoxetine Hydrochloride.
By increasing serotonin levels in the body Prozac triggers the adrenal glad to release cortisone, as if it were responding to danger or higher levels of stress. This boost initially feels good.
Long term studies on Prozac and other antidepressants that work on increasing serotonin find most patients are worse off after treatment than before. The Food and Drug Administration (F.D.A.) has never in its history had as many problems with a drug with these forms of antidepressants.
Prozac Side Effects ~ Read more.
B12 Deficiency and Depression

Foreclosure Related Suicides
8/8/2014 ~ “Foreclosure-related suicides spiked by 263%,” according to an NBC report.
It’s not surprising,. So many are based on fraud, supported by corrupt courts. What can a homeowner do against a bank like Wells Fargo? Against robo signing that ranges from fraudulent documents to judges signing Foreclosure Judgments that recite false “facts” and deny due process?
Katherine Fowler, lead author and CDC researcher, said, “Foreclosure may be exceptionally stressful, because it is very protracted and consists of multiple negative events.”
The underlying truth is different. The death dealing blow in foreclosures is likely to be bank fraud combined with the inability of the foreclosure victim to get justice.
To see the spike in foreclosure suicides for what it really is, look at the fact Eric Holder, head of the United States Department of Justice, worked for Wells Fargo, Bank of America, and other Big Banks before going to DOJ.
How likely was it that he would bring an action against his former clients? What is it tv lawyers are always say? “Attorney client privilege,” isn’t that it? Doesn’t that mean that Wells Fargo, etc. were privileged at the expense of American homeowners?
Lanny Breuer, head of the Justice Department’s criminal division, like Holder, was a partner at Covington & Burling, the Washington law firm that represented a Who’s Who of big banks and others at the center of foreclosure fraud.
Do you truly believe these guys were going to uphold justice? when they can instead uphold clients, who they most likely want again in the future?
NBC’s report on Spike in Suicides related to Foreclosure ~ Read more. (Sadly NBC has no related video, showing instead videos about lower foreclosure numbers, as if the foreclosures are justified to begin with.)
Your nerves vs Foreclosure ~ Read more.
Stress can break you ~ Read more.
Suicide ~ Despite Smiling
1/12/2014 ~ I watched Gia Allemand on The Bachelor and on Bachelor Pad. The Bachelor‘s 2014 season ran a tribute to her, In Memory. Since then, Gia Allemand’s suicide has been on my mind.
I was taught in Catholic grade school and high school that suicide is unforgivable because it means we’ve lost hope. Homicide on the other hand, is something you can confess and be forgiven.
It would follow that there would be few suicides since in religious terms suicide means everlasting torment for an unforgivable sin. But In reality there are more than twice as many suicides as homicides in the United States.
Murder s vs Suicides by State – Read more
As someone who wanted to kill myself for much of my life, and didn’t talk about it, I know how it feels to want to be free of the pain, both physical and emotional. The closest I came to killing myself was after years of abuse by the IRS. I’d written many letters about IRS needing reform, and often wrote about giving my life the way a soldier gives his or hers.
I thought that carbon monoxide and sleeping pills would do it, but I was saved. A nurse from the ER told me later that when I came round I said, “I didn’t make it.” I was angry at not being allowed to die. I don’t remember, due to the amount of sleeping pills I’d taken, the first two days after I was revived.
Hours prior to trying to kill myself I’d tossed a coin to see if I was really supposed to do it. I foresaw going to heaven because of the selfless act, since I was trying to help others who were abused by IRS, as I had been. But, what if I was deluded? I didn’t want to kill myself by mistake, thinking it was the right thing to do, when in fact it was not. So, trusting the universe to tell me whether or not it was a good idea, I tossed a coin. The coin landed, saying, Yes, I should kill myself. I was surprised. I had thought that with all the teaching about how bad suicide is, the coin would for sure say, No.
I had my “last meal”: goat cheese and tortillas, with coffee and Grand Marnier. My favorites!
But, as I say, I didn’t make it. A neighbor thought it odd that my car was running and I was taken to the ER where I was a B12 and drug tests. Apparently B12 is tested when someone attempts suicide.
The doctor’s bill said, “Profound B12 Deficiency.” The drug tests were negative.
If I had not tried to kill myself, I would not have known I had a B12 deficiency, and would not have had an opportunity to live an entirely different life. After B12 replacement I felt as if I’d been given a whole new life.
Before my suicide attempt, people thought I should go to a therapist. So, I did. The therapist said I should forget about IRS and act as if what IRS did had not happened. That didn’t resonate with me. I didn’t want to pretend bad things didn’t exist, I wanted to change things.

Gia Allermand is on my mind because I would guess she didn’t realize how hard it would be to kill herself. It must have been horrible for her to be alive and in pain until she lost consciousness. The account below seems to prove that planning a suicide when you’re feeling suicidal can result in the opposite of an escape from pain:
Gia Allemond’s mom spoke to TV’s Dr. Phil, as reported by the New York Daily News:
“She was not depressed. Sometimes, when it was that time of the month, she would get insecure and go to a dark spot, and she’d feel like nobody cared,” Micheletti said. “She just snowballed.”The New York mom said her daughter called her from New Orleans the night of the suicide bid and booked her a flight to come visit the next day.”I’m not happy. I can’t go on with this anymore,” Allemand said during the half hour call, according to her mom.“At that point, that day, with how she felt with her menstrual cycle, she could not see clearly,” Micheletti said. “I was trying to talk to her, trying to be careful what I say. I didn’t want to upset her more, and I was nervous.”Details of Allemand’s Aug. 12, 2013, suicide – which ended with doctors disconnecting her life support two days later — were laid bare in a police report obtained by the Daily News.According to New Orleans cops, Allemand hanged herself within two hours of her NBA boyfriend claiming he didn’t love her anymore.She left a suicide note on her dining room table that read, “Mom gets everything,” and wrapped a vacuum cleaner cord around her neck. One end of the cord was found tied to the handrail on the second floor of her apartment. The other end was still attached to the heavy vacuum found at the bottom of the stairs.According to police, Allemand arrived back at her apartment around 6 p.m. after a lunch date and emotional fight with boyfriend Ryan Anderson, a forward for the New Orleans Pelicans. “Mr. Anderson stated they were arguing most of the time during their meal over her suspicions of (him) having been unfaithful.”Anderson told police he took Allemand, 29, to a Walgreens drug store to purchase a few items including Nyquil cough syrup and then drove her back to her separate residence.“Anderson stated before Ms. Allemand got out of his vehicle, she stated she loved him,” the report said. “I don’t love you anymore,” he replied, according to the report.Allemand likely was on the phone with her helpless mother several states away when she caused the injury that left her brain dead. “I heard her last breath,” Micheletti told Dr. Phil, breaking down in tears. “I thought it was just mumbling. I couldn’t understand her. It was incoherent. I didn’t know what it was until after the fact.”
Micheletti sent Anderson a frantic text around 7:28 p.m. asking him to check on her daughter.
Anderson arrived at Allemand’s apartment 20 minutes later at 7:48 p.m., used his own key to enter and found the model “sitting” on the second step of the staircase, according to police. She was unconscious with the cord wrapped around her neck. “Mr. Anderson stated he frantically unwrapped the cord from Ms. Allemand’s neck, and that she was not responsive,” the report said. “He then began yelling for help.”
Read more.
Admiral Boorda
I am reminded of Admiral Boorda’s suicide. Admiral Boorda was the first person to come up through the ranks, beginning as a sailor, to become head of the Navy. He took his life when Newsweek was investigating whether he was entitled to medals he wore. In fact, a friend from London, John Barry, was one of the Newsweek men there to ask him questions. When the news played a video recording, which looked like something from CCTV, there were two shots. Later the video played with only one shot fired. But I think the fact was that the Admiral shot himself, found that he hadn’t died, and shot again. Think about it, that is not what we tend to imagine when we think about killing ourselves.
Similarly, a friend from many years ago went from being a barmaid to working in the San Francisco coroner’s office. She said that a man had shot himself in the head, but the bullet hit the inside of his skull in such a way that it circled around inside his head, in circles inside his skull, and still he wasn’t dead. I forget how long later he died.
My office manager when I worked at Nichols Agency in Santa Fe killed himself after months of stress re money and weeks of distressing anger from a woman who had listed with me but wasn’t happy with newspaper coverage the office manager oversaw.
The morning my office manager killed himself the alarm at the listing went off at exactly the time it was estimated he had died. My feeling was that when he killed himself he was shocked at how different it was from what he imagined, and that triggered the alarm.
If you are thinking about suicide, it may be because you are not capable of handling the stress you are under because your B12 levels are low.
It’s hard to believe something so intense and personal as suicide could be related to the level of a particular vitamin in ones body, but from my experience I think it is.
When I had B12 replacement it took three months to have memory recovery. That was with one B12 shot a month. When a holistic doctor prescribed a shot a day, my health and pain levels improved so much that I could hardly believe it. When my prescription for cobalamin for self-administered shots ran out, I began using Methylcobalamin lozenges.
My depression went away when I had B12 replacement, but it went away much more slowly than other symptoms of low vitamin B12.
Later I faced similar problems to those that thrust me toward suicide, but with a health B12 level I didn’t feel like killing myself. Instead I had lots of ideas of what I could do.
Low B12 levels tend to reduce our ability to think, we have few new ideas, and sometimes the idea of suicide dominates. Keep in mind that lots of people who try to kill themselves find that their thinking is impaired and the results are more painful than anticipated.
If you feel like killing yourself, get B12 lozenges and keep notes as you take them for a month… see what improvements you find.
Note: Years ago, Natural News reported that Eli Lilly, maker of Prozac, had full knowledge of a 1200% increase in suicide risk for takers of their Prozac drug, the first antidepressant SSRI medication. Read more.