One of the best things I was ever told by a doctor was to keep a time line: write down my symptoms, what was happening (stressors) and what I did to feel better: vitamin B12, vitamin C, certain foods, and my results. That way I could SEE what worked.
It was my neurologist, Dr. Baten, who told me to keep a Time Line. He said to write down each B12 shot I had (this was before I learned about methylcobalamin lozenges), any B12 test results I got, symptoms like numbness, tingling, changes in memory, etc., how I felt before the symptoms, and how I felt after a B12 shot. My Time Line shows improvement after B12 and deterioration after stress.
Over the years it’s been reassuring to have my Time Line to refer to when symptoms pop up and scare me. I can look at my Time Line and see about how long the symptoms took to resolve after I had B12.
Equally, I can see that stress has a history of hurting my health, and it’s never a done deal. I’ve always been able to recover by using vitamins B12 and C.
If I were to keep a new Time Line, I would add using Spirulina for iodine. That’s because it’s well known that thyroid problems go hand in hand with low vitamin B12 symptoms and our thyroid gland needs iodine.
In a study of 116 hypothyroid patients 58% of those receiving B12 had a reduction in hypothyroid symptoms, to include weakness, impaired memory, depression, numbness and decreased reflexes. Each of those thyroid symptoms is also a symptom of low vitamin B12.
Dr. Sartorius of Rodeo Family Medicine diagnosed my pernicious anemia. He said that if my mother had pernicious anemia, then I was always, for the rest of my life, going to have to have regular B12 shots. He had his nurse show me how to give myself the injections and he gave me a prescription for injectable cobalamin.
Anxiety over $, legal commitments/demands
Write GE Mortgage ck.
Leg pain/tingling/cramping returns
Pain in chest
Hard to breathe
Try to get $ early from Robin, in exchange for $25 rent reduction.
Robin brings ck. after bank closes’
Big anxiety over “drop dead” clause being activated
Leg pain/tingling/cramping returns
Pain in chest
Hard to breathe
B-12 shot
leg pain/tingling reduced
B-12 shot about 3 weeks after last
pain so much less I feel I can work
Stress re money
..Hard to breathe, feels like asthma
..pain in chest continues
..Bayer aspirin helps
..pain/tingling/cramps in feet/legs
..thighs numb
Begin at Lamplighter Inn: front desk evening shift
Back pain returns/increases; intense
..change to Nike shoes; work at higher work stations
..hard to adjust sleep pattern to late work times
Feeling better than I had thought possible (except for last Oct./Nov.)
Pain/tingling in feet/legs has decreased
B-12 shot about 3 weeks after last
..improvement begins about 2 days later
Difficulty at wk remembering room #’s:
..assign one, then have to keep looking at it at each check-in step
..Fear dismissal if management discovers poor memory
File Motion to Reconsider (re Order re IRS proof of claim)
Work on Plan of Reorganization
Have to refinance 729 W. Manhattan (re: Lewis)
May have to refinance 3255 Calle de Molina
..much maintenance needed if I have to
..dry rot under back portal roof
..texture on portal ceiling is flaking off
..deck finish worn off
..front trim – paint absent or flaked
Just spent big $ on H2O heater, faucet leaks, garage dr opener
File Memorandum of Law re IRS
Object Lewis Proof of Claim
Talk to Kopelman, City attorney, re lien on Molina
Robin calls Police, despite written, 24 hr. notice, bars me from painting
Pain/cramps in legs
can’t sleep
Right thigh/leg numb when I wake
Cramping when I stretch legs/feet
Pricking right thigh w/ small knife not painful
Prick left thigh equally hard, very painful
Pain prevents sleep
Computer has lost documents critical for interrogatory answers
Major anxiety
Confuse numbers at work: put guest in one rm, give key w/another #, put
still another # on breakfast coupons
(do this repeatedly)
Correct mistakes before any huge catastrophe, but is very unsettling
Make coffee, but forget to put under spout (huge mess)
Cannot keep things straight
Wake, left foot feels as if broken glass under instep
legs/feet cramp if I stretch them (on waking)
hard to move toes
legs feel wholly numb, thighs to toes
Worn out
B-12 level check: 588
Go on internet and look up B-12
some pretty distressing information
right thigh hurts when touching computer desk, touch is painful
Worn out
Major numbness
a.m. when I stretch legs/feet, they cramp
Cannot organize legal material
Give myself extra B-12 injection
sleep afterwards
left leg less numb when I wake
right leg still very numb, w/chapped sensation
legs/feet cramp when stretched
legal stuff to be done is overwhelming
cannot get mind to organize
seems as if there’s too much to get into order
try to print letters re pain/sleeplessness after IRS abuse began
lots don’t open, result of crash a month ago
Play computer games, wasting precious time
cannot control mouse well enough to get good scores
hands “asleep”
See Dr. Baten: shot a wk is okay; surprised B-12 effects can be felt in as little as 2 or 3 days; checks feeling w/tuning fork, not as bad as could be; reflexes at knees are good; says to get absorption tests at GI.
Legs significantly less numb
still, legs/feet cramp when stretched on waking
Not as worn out
Series of tasks: Main PO, Kinko’s bank, K-Mart, Furr’s, not overwhelming
Slept only a few hours total
legs/feet cramp when stretched on waking
Have to go to Alb.: see attorney re Bkrptcy: Interrogatories & Answers
legs hurt
Later: hard to work because I’m tired
desperatedly tired after work, can’t sleep (overtired)
Still menstruating
6:30 a.m. take 1/2 Dalmane
sleep till noon, feel better
Legs/feet do not cramp when stretched on waking
Write Objection re Lewis Interrogatories and Definitions, errors therein
Begin working on Interrogatories to Lewis
Legs/feet do not cramp when stretched on waking
Do not feel as tired
Anxious about legal wk., but not overwhelmed
Bankruptcy File Certificate of Service of m Interrogatories to Lewis
Bankruptcy File Notice re Motion to Reconsider (re IRS)
Response to Cullen Hallmark Affidavit
Go to New West Mortg. Alb., re submitting loan
See lawyer, Fred Davis
note what he’s saying: copy sentences w/o having to ask to repeat
ask if he remembers when I was unable to remember a whole sentence
he says he does
Couple check-in (Land’s), later Mr. Land forgets camera on sofa;
I remember name and call rm without hesitation,
w/o having to look up #
Dalmane to sleep
Want to go swimming, but still menstruating
Sense of well-being improves
Dalmane to sleep
less “tunnel” effect
things don’t look as dark
Stress at work re replacement of Dustrol direct-bill guests: not overwhelmed;
able to consider alternatives; do not feel panic, hopeless, or depressed
Still menstruating
Do numerous errands: can think about where I’m going and change route,
add stops, and remember additional necessities to collect or buy
Sense of well-being increases
Amended Schedule A and Summary of Schedules
Write up phone person, who then leaves
I complete shift alone;
move guests from rm to rm; remember numbers, names
do more wk as a result of working faster when mem. good
Not sleeping except w/Dalmane
Jean pleased w/my work, has noticed improvement in org. gives raise
Still not sleeping, up at 5 a.m., even w/Dalmane; went to sleep at 1:00 a.m. Drop Box: Amended Plan of Reorganization
Do not give self B-12 shot: fear taking too much
Notice gums not bleeding (have tended to for many years)
Right top of foot and under side of toes feel tickle when brushed (unusual)
Slept w/3 Melatonin
File Certificate of Service re Answers to Lewis
Woke w/hand asleep
Tingling in right thigh
Feeling of insects crawling on leg
Certificate of Service, Answers to Wolff Interrogatories