Vitamin B12 and fingernails pictures below show low vitamin B12 levels gradually changing fingernails.
I took the pictures two decades ago after I saw vitamin B12 shots smoothing my fingernails by making the ridges grow out.
I had first noticed the ridges on my fingernails when I was desperately depressed and planning to kill myself. The ridges were huge and made me wonder if there was something wrong in my body that made me feel suicidal, rather than it being psychiatric.
I did try to kill myself, which turned out to be lucky in that someone found me in my car with the exhaust funneled in, and I was taken to the ER where I was revived and given a B12 test. Apparently B12 tests are routinely given to suicide patients in the ER due to a causal connection between low vitamin B12 levels and suicide attempts. My test showed “Profound Vitamin B12 Deficiency.”
The hospital wasn’t very good about explaining to me, partially because the police came and took me to jail because the chamisa (a wild sage shrub common in New Mexico) in my front yard was too tall. Hard to believe. But, true.
After I realized that using a lot of Vitamin B Complex tablets wasn’t improving my B12 level, I concentrated on getting regular B12 shots. That made a difference. My memory improved, I didn’t feel desperately depressed, even though my problems were relatively unchanged. And, my fingernails were getting smoother.
I tried to get the hospital and doctors to run public service adverts on radio and television about B12, but they rejected the idea. It seemed so important to me to give people the information that I decided that if they wouldn’t help, I’d start this website. That’s two decades ago.
Basically, the pictures show that ridges and moons on your fingernails, or the lack of moons, are influenced by your B12 level. Seeing ridges and no moons on your fingernails is one thing, but what seals the deal is that the ridges grow out when you begin giving your body the B12 it needs. It’s this growing out of the ridges that verifies the potency of B12.
My methodical approach attracted the attention of a dentist who had a site with thousands and thousands of followers. When he linked to my site from his with its massive views it vastly boosted views for my site and popularized my “theory”. Now, my site has had over thirteen million views. Sadly, Google no longer shows my site in its first page of search results, so fewer people are seeing the evidence. Sigh. (I’m working to change that!)
If only your thumbs have moons then your fingernails have been showing signs of low vitamin B12 levels for a some time. Check out a list of signs of low vitamin B12 levels. If you have any of the signs, use Methylcobalamin lozenges for a month. One month of using a 1 mg (1,000 mcg) lozenge a day is equal to a B12 shot.
Methylcobalamin lozenges, 1,000 mcg
In one month the signs will lessen dramatically. Except, depression takes longer. For me it took 3 months to feel some relief. Later, with continued vitamin B12 replacement the depression vanished.
If your health problems are unaffected by vitamin B12 use, then they are not caused by a lack of healthy vitamin B12 levels.
That sounds simplistic, but before B12 tests existed Doctors gave injections to patients with deficiency symptoms. Then, if the symptoms decreased the doctor diagnosed vitamin B12 deficiency.
Based on that historic fact, if your fingernails show signs of low vitamin B12 levels, use Methylcobalamin lozenges to confirm. If the signs go away, keep using Methylcobalamin and enjoy your return of nerve and blood health.
Your body excretes any vitamin B12 it doesn’t need, so there’s no danger in using B12 to see how well it works for you.
Note: Restoring memory requires memory exercises as well as B12 lozenges.
What’s best for vitamin B12 and fingernails?
Methylcobalamin sublinguals have been thoroughly tested and shown to work even better than injections.

My memory improved most from regularly eating Swiss cheese with its live B12 making bacteria.
Vitamin B12 and Fingernails Best Practice
- Keep a Time Line:
- List your symptoms.
- Record your vitamin B12 use with the date.
- Record stressful events.
- At month’s end, see which symptoms appeared less with B12 use, more with stress.
In future if a symptom recurs your Time Line will help you see how much vitamin B12 you’ll need. Under a lot of stress you need more B12 to stay on top of symptoms.
Vitamin B12 and fingernails pictures

May 6, 2006 ~ The above picture shows the lack of a moon. The contrast between vitamin B12 and fingernails pictures from my old and new cameras is like my life before and after vitamin B12 replacement. My B12 replacement began in 1997. I don’t have pictures of the original dramatic ridges because my camera was not good enough to take clear pictures of things as close as my fingernails. I did, however, record changes in my Time Line.
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Dec. 23, 2006 p.m. ~ In late 2004 I got tetanus, a central nervous system disease, and began using a prescription for a vitamin B12 shot a day. The peripheral neuropathy pain that had plagued me for years went away and my fingernails became smooth. I stopped paying attention to my B12 level as reflected in my fingernails and did not notice when I again lost my moons. ~ The above picture shows a small moon peeping up on my index finger. A few weeks earlier, before several stressful things, the moon on my middle finger looked like that, too.
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December 24, 2006 p.m. ~ This shows the moon on my middle finger, right hand, beginning to reappear. The moon on my index finger looks larger, stronger. There wasn’t much stress yesterday, and I don’t feel feverish from the infection today.
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December 25, 2006 p.m. ~ See how the moons are increasing and stronger looking, especially on my middle finger as compared to the 23rd.
When Wells Fargo filed to foreclose in 2008, but didn’t serve me, the stress was astronomical and my moons disappeared. I was under so much stress I failed to take pictures.
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December 29, 2006 late p.m. ~ This picture of my right thumb nail clearly shows the ridges. (These ridges are vastly reduced from 9 years of B12 replacement, first by injections then Methylcobalamin lozenges.) It doesn’t show the bit of ridge on the left, in the shadow, though.
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December 30, 2006 p.m. ~ This picture was taken with help from dpreview forum. It shows a ridge disappearing. Look at the top of my nail: see the short, thick line next to a long line that goes all the way down my nail. That thick line used to go all the way down, too. It is growing out. I’ve watched my fingernails grow smoother over ten years. If you have ridges, get Methylcobalamin, use it and watch the results ~ not just on your fingernails but in relation to signs of low vitamin B12 levels.
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February 1, 2007 ~ I chose the above picture out of two dozen. You can see that the ridge from December 30th is gone. The redness is related to infection.
Second B12 and fingernails series

March 10, 2007 ~ This picture shows fewer ridges toward the bottom of my nail. I have been trying to have a B12 shot on days I have a nose bleed, bad tinnitus, peripheral neuropathy pain in my thigh or begin to feel depressed. I’m staying on top of my low B12, except that my thumb moon is hard to see. This picture shows its top whiter and more defined than further down.
April 18, 2007 – They turned off my power on April 4, 2007, so I don’t have heat or lights. The weather is getting warmer though, and I’m going to get solar because that will be less stressful and therefore more healthy. (I asked the fellow who disconnected my power for two days so I could transfer money, but no. I didn’t even have phone after he turned off the electric. And, he laughed. So by the time Easter was over, I decided not to go back to PNM given that they shut me off just to be mean. They would have had their money on the 6th, if what they wanted was their money. I’m not going to encourage them to treat people like this by paying them any more.)
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April 18, 2007 ~ This is the most worrying of my Vitamin B12 and Fingernails pictures. Although my thumb nail is faint you can see that it has a sort of chasm in it. I’ve never seen this before. I’ve been so stressed by trying to stay warm, and the days are so short without electricity that I’ve not taken regular photos. Plus, I have all the court stuff to hand-write without my printer. (Never a dull moment.) I’ve handwritten notes in my Time Line. I wish I could use my computer with the portable solar thing I got, but the little solar panels don’t give me an hour a day. By the time I turn on, email loads, schedule alarms go off… my time is nearly over. Frustrating.
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June 20, 2007 – Sorry about the dirt under my nail. My solar is just a bit of wiring away from working, and I’ve been preoccupied. Anyway, sorry. I’ve worked really hard at having a lot of B12 to get my moon made whole again, and that’s been successful. But the redness is forming into distinct lines, and that’s not good.
When I had tetanus I had red lines under my nails that looked as if they were drawn with a fine tip pen. My camera wasn’t good enough to capture them. I needed a Macro lens or longer arms to get the camera far enough away to focus. I wish I could show you those lines.
I’m drinking a lot more water and taking more vitamin C. But it’s hard to remember to do that with the solar going in and people here all the time. I was really sick one day and didn’t want them to know. It will be good when the solar is finished so I can concentrate on the things I need to do every day to stay well if not get better. This way I forget. When I had electric I used my computer to remind me.
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4/25/2010 ~ I didn’t notice this centrally located, thick, whitish ridge on my right index finger while it was developing. I saw it a week ago and worried because my nerves don’t seem that much worse. I wonder what it’s associated with. Today I see that it no longer goes all the way to the bottom of my nail, so it appears to have decreased in prominence since I have been using vitamin C, the natural antibiotic, to get rid of infection indicated by a reddish line on my right thumb.
Vitamin B12 Making Bacteria increase moons

2/2/2015 ~ The above picture shows whitish pigmentation at the bottom of my middle and index fingers. Those are moons beginning to reappear as I recover after a period of intense stress. They also result from eating Emmentaler cheese nearly every day. Emmentaler is Swiss Cheese from Switzerland or in the tradition of Swiss Emmentaler if it is not actually imported. The holes in Swiss and some other cheeses are made by the bacteria Propionibacterium freudenreichii. They also make vitamin B12.
So far, even fairly high stress has not removed the burgeoning moons.

8/8/2015 ~ My moons have not diminished. In fact, there appears to be a bit of moon appearing on my ring finger. The moon on my index finger is growing much clearer as I continue to eat Swiss cheese with its live B12 making bacteria.
There’s significant change in my memory. Previously I had no memory of things I just did. For instance if I fed the goldfish, as soon as I left the side of the aquarium I wouldn’t remember. In order to know whether or not I’d fed them I had to associate feeding the goldfish with something else. I chose to feed the goldfish before making morning coffee. That way if I had coffee or an empty coffee mug I could tell that I’d fed the goldfish.
What’s changed is that after doing something I now frequently have a mental image of what I did. It’s exciting and vastly improves my life to have that kind of memory return.

6/22/2016 ~ The moons on my middle finger and ring finger are growing larger with clearer edges. They aren’t a smooth, moon shape, however. Maybe that’s because I didn’t have B12 for so long that now as the moons return they are irregular, as if reflecting their irregular existence.
My memory remains better, and my balance is somewhat better. However at a court hearing a few weeks ago I could not get my mind to work well enough to give even the must rudimentary explanation of my position, in contrast to Wells Fargo’s recital of how wrong I am.
Focus on vitamin B12 and fingernails reflecting health
I focus on vitamin B12 and fingernails because low vitamin B12 levels severely impacted my life. If I had been able to see vitamin B12 and fingernails pictures I would have understood how to keep, even regain my health.
In doing vitamin B12 and fingernails pictures I also saw how redness under fingernails corresponds with infection somewhere in the body. Low grade infection makes us tired and often causes hair to fall out. Infections can be controlled, sometimes wiped out, with vitamin C natural antibiotic. I saw a fingernail lift with onycholysis and then heal when I soaked it in alcohol. And, I tracked white spots.
Vitamin B12 and fingernails pictures showing other health signs
Mainly you want to see your fingernails remain smooth and retain their
natural moons.
When I was living in the hydrogen sulfide from the privy pit, I had horizontal valleys in my nails ~~ indentations that ran across my nails, referred to medically as Beau’s lines. Some people just refer to them as dips. They were most noticeable on my thumbs. A low body pH also appears to cause horizontal indentations in fingernails ~~ when I drank vinegar and honey for several days to stop a cough, which worked, and then several weeks more because it helped me sleep, it also caused Beau’s lines.
One very serious thing is if your nail begins to curve over the top of your finger. I learned that is a sign of heart and lung disease. This is what a bending nail looks like when heart or lung disease (affecting the pleural cavity) very first starts:

Your info is very interesting. I was diagnosed with subacute combined degeneration of the spinal cord about 9 yrs ago, after almost 9 yrs of being shunted from one hospital dept to another! By then, nerves in my feet and hands had died. I can’t get B12 from food or tablets, only shots, which I have had every month. Recently, I noticed my balance was gone again, sores on my tongue, grooved nails, severe irritability, exhaustion and weakness and realized that my B12 levels much have become very low. I’ve had shots every 3 to 5 days for 2 months but still don’t feel any better, except for my tongue! Any suggestions? Thanks so much.
My most significant improvement came when I had a shot a day. When my doctor gave me a prescription for that much cyanocobalamin I was sure she’d made a mistake. But, after a month of that amount of B12 replacement I had so much improvement I was sorry I hadn’t begun using the prescription sooner
Here is the link to the page in my Tetanus Journal where I record the shots and their effect: