There are nerves galore in and around our eyes, a really huge number. Basically, nerves need vitamin B12 to…
1/29/2017 ~ To avoid the sugar in Cheerios, and particularly in Ancient Grains Cheerios I tried crackers for breakfast.…
1/26/2017 ~ I was happily unpacking my groceries from Amazon Prime Pantry and snacking on Cracked Pepper and Olive Oil…
Recent research highlights the similarity between detecting Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) and detecting low vitamin B12 levels associated with…
When I saw Snopes jump on the “B12 (via Marmite) cures Premature Ejaculation” story, I was curious. I wondered if Snopes…
Well done. 🙂 Karen
Be aware ~ Calcium can block magnesium Calcium and magnesium compete for absorption. Therefore, too much calcium in your diet…
Several people have reached my site using the search term, “Vitamin B12 very low effects”. While I often address how…
So, is Teflon as safe as they say it is? I mean, Teflon gives off dangerous fumes when it is…
For purposes of this post, read “Legs whose potassium is gone.” 11/13/2013 ~ I’m amazed, happy and super grateful…